Memorial day 25th May 2023
Stuart Weston (President) presented a cheque for £650 to Emma Coates from Prospect Hospice. This was the amount raised from the annual Memorial Day tournament
Congratulations go to Nicki Kemble-Young on being selected for the BWL Walker Cup Squad, playing Worcestershire this Sunday. Eight will play (2×4’s) from a squad

President triumphs
On Sunday 14th May, a competitive game between teams representing the President and the Captain resulted in a draw. The President (Stuart Weston) and Captain

The Mayor opens Green.
Supermarine Bowls Club had the honour of a visit from the Mayor of Swindon Councillor Abdul Amin on 29th April. The Mayor was welcomed by

A fantastic start to the outdoor season with 31 bowlers in 12 teams competing for the first club trophy of the season Each team played three
A great start to the season or a fine finish? Supermarine played an indoor game with Swindon Manor IBC recently. They won on three rinks